Why We age & Why We Don't Have To

And if I tell you that you can live at least another 100 years of life while staying physically and mentally healthy. If you are reading these lines it is because you are a restless mind like mine with the desire to live much longer than imagined. In my case, at least more than 130 years old and healthy as an oak. You wonder if aging is a disease or if it can be stopped.
I used to tell myself that I refused to reach 85 years of age, almost senile or with reduced mobility and not being able to enjoy more of my children, grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren. Retirement and have another decade of healthy life for me is already something old from the last century and also I did not see it as logical or fair. Now I want to live more years in full health. At least 130 years.
Well, let me tell you that science has discovered how to slow down old age and even how to reverse or advance it. Yes, you read it right. They know how to make us younger or older. It sounds like a science fiction movie, but it is true that Planet Earth is round, although some still do not believe it.
I'm not going to bore you into the subject because I'm not a biologist and I don't think that's what I have to do. So I invite you to read the book "Lifespan" by "Harvard PhD Doctor David A. Sinclair." It is a book pass because it allows minds not used to dealing with biology and medicine, we can understand and understand what we are reading. Which is appreciated.
Aging is a Disease
If you have come this far, I congratulate you because you already have enough information to know that you can and should live a much longer, quality life. Old age must be considered a disease to be treated with medicine. However, we have several methods at hand to help us slow down and rejuvenate ourselves. Hippocrates already limited the amount of food eaten as a vital benefit.
Our brain when we are babies, children, adolescents, produces enough NMN not to age. The problem is when we reach our 40s that our brain begins to produce less.
To produce NMN naturally we must stress the brain to produce it. There are 4 ways to do it easily and effectively according to Dr. David Sinclair:
Buy NMN and Resveratrol online. (1,000mg NMN with 1 gram of Resveratrol in the morning).
Intermittent fasting (Fast for 16 hours when it suits you best).
15 minutes of vigorous exercise a day. (Example: Run 15 minutes at a high pace).
Extreme cold in special pools, baths on the beach with cold, running without covering yourself, etc.
In my particular case, what I practice is intermittent fasting. It really is the most effective and it would not be necessary to practice the rest. I have dinner at 8:30 p.m. and I don't eat again until the next day for at least 16 hours, which would be 2:00 p.m., although if I haven't been hungry yet, sometimes I have my fruit smoothie between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eating less and starving lengthens your hope and quality of life. As simple as that. I also go for a 15 minute run at an intense pace. In my case I do 3km in 13min.
Few advances in science have made me as happy as this one! And being able to read a sentence that says "old age is a disease that can be cured" for me, is priceless.
I'm going to copy and paste here the most interesting questions and answers I've seen about why Harvard Doctor David Sinclair thinks that "a painful descent into old age is NOT something you have to accept."
What do you mean that there is no biological law that says we must grow old?
“Well, we are biological, so we take energy as food and we can use that energy to repair our bodies and preserve information [at the cellular level]. There is no law of physics that says we cannot live much longer. We know that some mammals live more than 200 years, and some humans live between 100 and 120. So we have at least 40 years, and possibly 120, to play here. "
People tend to think that aging is something chronological and inevitable. How do you define it?
However, this is not how aging is defined from a regulatory perspective, is it?
“The regulatory definition, currently, is that aging is something other than a disease. The reason is that even though it meets the criteria for a disease, which is a decline in function over time that leads to death, aging is spread because it happens to more than 50% of us. And I would say that the fact that aging happens to more than half of us is no reason not to include it as a disease. In fact, I would say that it is even more important that we work to try to combat it, because aging is the main cause of all the major diseases in today's society.
Many people worry that extending life expectancy would irreparably damage Planet Earth. But you argue that we should fight aging like a disease by helping people live longer?
“Well, we are already out of control and we need a solution. I analyzed the numbers and took a picture of what happens if we are not successful in helping people live healthier and longer, compared to what happens. And you get a very different response when you do that. The answer that occurred to me was that a world where people can be healthy beyond 80 is a much richer world. That is a world with money to fight climate change - tens of trillions of dollars - for the next 50 years, money that can be spent on education, on building levees, on paying for social security. And for me, that is the solution to our problems, it is not the cause of them. "
So, are we not in danger of overpopulating the planet by improving our life expectancy?
“The human population is stabilizing. The number of older people who stay will not come close to the number that people imagine. In many countries, the population is already declining and the number of older people is simply increasing as a percentage, ready to bankrupt those countries. What you really want is a host of healthy older people who are wise and productive, versus a population of people you have to spoon-feed and send to the doctors. Anyone who argues that we shouldn't fight nursing homes; I think they should spend a day in a nursing home. "
You reveal an exciting new theory to us in your book called The Aging Theory. Can you explain this simply?
“The new idea is that we have two main types of information stored in the body: one is digital and the other is analog. Digital information is our genome, which surprisingly lasts much more than 80 years (that's a new discovery), but it is analog information that I find to be the problem. Analogous information is the epigenome, the structures within the cell that allow some genes to be read while keeping others silent. Because analog information is very difficult to preserve, that is the first to fail. And that's what I think causes aging."
Can people address this "loss of information" with simple interventions such as diet and lifestyle modifications?
“The most important thing is to eat less frequently. That is not malnutrition; it is not hunger. I don't want any teenager to use this as a reason not to eat enough, but most adults eat too much and too often. And based on some recent results in mice, and also in humans, it appears that when you eat is as important as what you eat, and perhaps even more important. I suggest that three full meals a day is not optimal for longevity. There are several varieties of fasting that you can do, which I think are potentially helpful. We don't know which one is the best, but I don't have breakfast, except maybe for a few bites of yogurt, and then I don't eat until late in the afternoon, sometimes until dinner."
How exactly does fasting promote longevity?
“We found that longevity genes are activated by fasting. They are also particularly activated with high intensity exercise. Being out of breath for 10 minutes every day or every other day is linked to a reduction in different diseases, certainly heart disease. My understanding is that we used to think that you had to be a marathon runner to reap the full benefits of exercise, but high intensity, short interval training seems to be almost as good. And the worst thing you can do [to grow old] is never run out of breath. "
Should people start these anti-aging interventions as soon as possible or is there an optimal age to start?
“Well, because we don't have an epigenetic 'reset button' for humans yet, we have to work diligently on [aging interventions] to give ourselves a chance to improve. I started when I was 30 years old and I have no regrets at all. Even in my early 20s I was pretty good with my diet. We have seen in animals that if you intervene early and restrict calories or give them a molecule like rapamycin earlier, it works better.
Is there a point of no return at which it is impossible to turn back the aging clock?
“Well yes, a very old and morbid mouse will never live longer, but you can start treating them quite late with rapamycin; I think he is between 19 and 20 months old, which would be a 60 year old human being. You know, I met Norman Leary at 97, and the boy is doing really well ... but he's a specter. It gets harder as you get older, so it's better to prevent aging than to try to reverse it. "
You have noticed some significant improvements in your father, who started making changes very late in his life, but now, at 80 years old, he has the vigor and mental stamina of a 30-year-old man.
“Yes, but it's also worth noting that most of the time [when you were making these changes] you didn't see an immediate difference. So those people who decide, "Oh, I don't feel different, but I took my resveratrol today," it's naive to think that you will suddenly be young. It is an investment in the future ”.
What about gender differences in aging? Should we take gender into account when considering interventions?
“What we are discovering in a lot of the studies is that gender really makes a difference, particularly when it comes to longevity. There are treatments that work in female mice but not in males, and vice versa. So what this tells me is that it is not only important to go to the doctor and get a recommendation based on an 'average' human being, but it is much more important to get specific recommendations, when we have knowledge about people of our own sex, our own demographics, our own age. Age is important in how we metabolize and respond to drugs. And we don't know how we respond to drugs because none of us is an "average" human being. The only way to know is by measuring it. "
Ask your Doctor or GP and get minimum 500mg NMN and 500mg Resveratrol and take it daily or stress your brain in the 3 ways Dr. David Sinclair mentions to produce NMN naturally.
We have in our hands the great opportunity to live longer and of quality without the need for medications to combat old age.
Remember that until a government of a country declares that old age is a disease, it cannot be treated as such and therefore it cannot be medicated in hospitals or pharmacies.
And so far this week's Blog! I hope this information has been useful to you and if you want to share your ideas, do not hesitate to leave us a comment!
A hug and good health.
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