With this second article we continue to dive-deep into the topics of the 10 Simplementesoi lifestyle tips that our team prepared for you so you can de-stress and progress in life.
Physical health and mental health are two important aspects of our lives. Though they are often discussed separately, they are very closely linked. In order to have a healthy mind, we need to have a healthy body, and vice versa. Here, we will explore the link between physical and mental health and discuss ways to boost both simultaneously!
It's the age-old question we at Simplementesoi want to engage with: How do I have it all? How can I achieve a successful and Simplementesoi (minimalist) lifestyle while still maintaining my sanity? It seems impossible, but...
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Acceptance is an important life skill. Acceptance means being happy with what you have, letting go of what you cannot change, and knowing the truth beyond your mind's distortions. Acceptance makes your life much easier!
Intermittent fasting can help you to increase your creativity by freeing up your mental energy. When you are not focused on food, you have more time to think about other things.
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