Busy London Lifestyle: The Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body, Mind, And General Health

It's no secret that London is a busy city. With so much to do and see, it can be hard to find time for yourself. But what about when you want to let loose and have some fun? That's where alcohol comes in. Alcohol is a social lubricant that helps people relax and have a good time.
But what are the effects of alcohol on your body, mind, and general health? And is there such a thing as too much alcohol? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the effects of alcohol and how they can impact your busy London lifestyle. We at Simplementesoi have paid close and careful attention followed by deep and thorough analysis on the topic to be able to outline and provide you with this article and precise tips on how to tackle this issue and start living better and healthier life in London, UK.
Alcohol Absorption:
In a science lab. Alcohol is an excellent solvent; sometimes, it's better than water because it can dissolve anything. This very same property makes it dangerous for human beings and animals alike. It absorbs in water and fats alike, which means it can directly absorb in cells. Usually, in the human body, absorption takes place through some chemical process in the liver, but since alcohol doesn't need any chemical assistance to be absorbed, it can directly enter cells.
This way, it can reach brain cells directly, and its effects are almost instantaneous.
The effects of alcohol depend on how much you drink, how quickly you drink it, your weight, your gender, and your tolerance. The faster you drink, the higher your blood alcohol content (BAC). A BAC of 0.03-0.12% will make you feel relaxed and happy; a BAC of 0.09-0.25% will make you feel dizzy and confused; a BAC of 0.18-0.30% can cause vomiting; and a BAC of 0.25% or higher can lead to unconsciousness.
Your liver can only process about one standard drink per hour, so your BAC will continue to rise if you drink more. And since alcohol is a diuretic, it will also dehydrate you, which can worsen intoxication's effects.
Gender: Men and women metabolize alcohol differently. In general, men have more enzymes that break down alcohol in their liver, so they can drink more before they start to feel the effects. Women have fewer enzymes, so they will feel the effects of alcohol more quickly.
Weight: Since fat doesn't absorb alcohol as well as muscle, people with more body fat will tend to sober up more slowly than people with less body fat.
Tolerance: If you drink regularly, your body will become more tolerant to the effects of alcohol. This means that you'll have to drink more to feel the same impact.
We at Simplementesoi want to make a statement here - busy Londoners, for an excellent London life, be aware of how much alcohol you're consuming and how quickly you're drinking it. If you want to avoid the negative effects of intoxication, stick to one standard drink per hour and make sure to stay hydrated. And if you're feeling particularly stressed or anxious, it might be best to steer clear of alcohol altogether. Remember, moderation is key!
The state of being drunk:
Ingesting any type of alcohol (beer, whisky, wine, etc.) makes you drunk because alcohol is a depressant. When you drink, it slows down your body's functions. That's why you might feel relaxed, happy, or dizzy after a few drinks. But it also means impaired reflexes, coordination, and judgment.
According to Dr. Huberman, scientifically speaking, being drunk is a poison-induced disruption in the way neurocircuits work. Disinhibition, euphoria, slowed reaction time, and lack of coordination are all side effects of how alcohol depresses the central nervous system.
How Alcohol Affects your Brain and Body?
You may turn to alcohol to wind down and relax as a busy Londoner. However, it is important to keep in mind that alcohol abuse is a real thing and that it can lead to serious complications later in life.
Alcohol consumption can be divided into several categories. For instance, you may be a casual drinker, i.e., drinking one serving just on the weekends or downing one drink by the end of each day. You may be a social drinker, a person ingesting one drink on a special occasion, or you may be a chronic drinker who drinks several drinks each day or more than seven each week.
As the team of Simplementesoi have mentioned before, no matter how and how much you drink, it is going to affect your brain and body.
Since alcoholic drinks can dissolve in fat, it easily crosses into the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a fence-like structure that protects the brain from harmful substances. Once it has entered, alcohol can bind to different receptors and neurotransmitters, thereby disrupting their normal function. It also alters the communication between different brain regions, further disrupting their normal working order.
The hippocampus is one of the brain structures that is most vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. This is because it is responsible for forming new memories and consolidating old ones. Drinking too much can cause blackouts or make it difficult to form new memories.
The other brain structure that is significantly affected by alcohol is the cerebellum. This structure is responsible for balance, coordination, and motor control. That's why you might feel uncoordinated or have difficulty walking when you're drunk.
Heavy drinking can also lead to damage to the frontal lobe, the part of the brain responsible for executive functioning. This includes things like planning, decision-making, and self-control. As a result, people who drink heavily may have difficulty controlling their impulses or making sound decisions.
Apart from the brain, alcohol also affects other organs in your body. For instance, it can cause liver damage and pancreatitis. It can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke. Heavy drinkers are also more likely to develop certain types of cancer, such as throat cancer or breast cancer.
So, if you're a busy Londoner, be mindful of how much alcohol you're consuming and how quickly you're drinking it. If you want to avoid the negative effects of intoxication, stick to one standard drink daily or even weekly, and stay hydrated. And if you're feeling particularly stressed, try some other form of relaxation instead of turning to alcohol.
What happens when you drink the first serving and then continue?
The first serving of an alcoholic drink always feels good (provided you are not a chronic drinker). As soon as the drink enters your system, it will start to work on the brain. The first few sips will go into the bloodstream and, from there, will travel to the brain. Alcohol works on different neurotransmitters to produce its effects.
For example, it increases dopamine levels in the brain, which is why you feel happy when you drink. It also inhibits the neurotransmitter GABA, which is responsible for making you feel relaxed. GABA suppression leads to doing things you won't do otherwise. In addition, alcohol also binds to glutamate receptors, which can lead to feelings of euphoria.
At parties, you will notice people start talking loudly because they cannot pay attention to their voice modulation. That's because alcohol also affects the region of the brain responsible for controlling your motor skills. As a result, you may find yourself slurring your words or stumbling around when you've had too much to drink. You may also notice that your vision gets blurred, and your reaction time slows down.
Hypothalamus is the part of your brain that controls your body temperature. When you drink, this region gets affected, and you may start to feel hot or flushed. This is because alcohol dilates the blood vessels, which can lead to an increase in blood flow. As a result, your body temperature rises, and you may start to sweat.
Adrenaline is another hormone that is released when you drink. This hormone is responsible for the "fight-or-flight" response, and it can make you feel energized and alert. However, it can also lead to an increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.
The effects of that first drink, which makes you feel happy and relaxed, push everyone craving for more, but you will never be able to get that feeling again and will be left drunk, exhausted, and with a hangover the next day.
Damage to liver and stomach:
Some people have more tolerance toward alcohol consumption, and even if they are able to control and limit their drinking, they too will experience the worst effects of drinking. Since alcohol can kill bacteria, it does so too efficiently. It kills bacteria without discrimination, i.e., it will kill both good and bad bacteria.
The bad bacteria may even leak into the bloodstream and cause septicemia, which is a life-threatening condition. In addition, alcohol also destroys the stomach lining, which can lead to ulcers. It also slows down saliva production, which can lead to tooth decay.
Cancer and Tumor growth:
Drinking alcohol can also lead to cancer. Alcohol is a carcinogen, which means that it can damage DNA and cause cancer. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as throat cancer or breast cancer.
Breast cancer is not just limited to women; it can also occur in men as well. The chances of breast cancer increase from 4 to 13% for every 10gm of alcohol consumed per day.
Our body is programmed to fight tumors, but alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system, making it less effective in fighting cancer cells. Alcohol can also cause Hodgkin's lymphoma, cancer affecting the lymphatic system.
Drinking alcohol can have both positive and negative effects on your health. For example, drinking can help to:
- Relax your muscles and reduce stress
- Improve your mood and boost your energy levels
- Stimulate your appetite and help you to enjoy food more
- Help you to fall asleep more quickly. The sleep, however, is not good quality sleep.
All these positive effects are temporary. Drinking (too much) alcohol can lead to:
- Increase anxiety and depression
- Worsen existing mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia
- Impair your memory and judgment
- Dehydration
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness and lightheadedness
- Loss of balance and coordination
- Slurred speech
- Drowsiness
- Slowed reflexes
- Impaired judgment
- Blackouts
- Coma and much, much more.
A Simplementesoi Conclusion
It is evident that the effects of alcohol on our brain and body can be both positive and negative. While moderate drinking may offer some benefits, excessive drinking can lead to a whole host of problems. As a busy Londoner living a London lifestyle, if you turn to alcohol occasionally, it may not affect your body significantly, but remember, alcohol is a toxin. It is crucial to be aware of the effects of alcohol on your brain and body.
Londoners turn to alcohol (drinking) because they cannot get a good night's sleep. Well, we can help with that. Please read our article on Fix your sleep to reverse aging and ease your busy London life to get a good night's sleep and reverse the signs of aging as well. Follow the blog of Simplementesoi for more practical and useful tips on how to lead a healthier and happier life!
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